Distinguished Service Award:

The Distinguished Service Award is designed to recognize significant contributions to the professions of audiology and/or speech-language pathology by individuals or organizations outside of the fields (not an audiologist or speech-language pathologist). Nominees may include: 1) an individual; 2) a group of individuals; or 3) a non-profit organization. Domestic and international individuals and organizations are eligible. Nominees should make or have made a major contribution to the Association, the professions of audiology and/or speech-language pathology, or consumers in one or more of the following areas:  
  • consumer advocacy
  • legislative or other governmental affairs activity
  • public awareness
  • research
  • service to the Association
  • service to the community
The following information should be submitted in a Word or PDF document:
  • Nominee's name and contact information
  • Nominator's name and contact information
  • Sponsor's letter of support describing the contribution(s) of the nominee and who has benefited from the contribution
  • Evidence of support for the nomination through letters, statements, or a combination of both