SDSLHA provides you with exclusive access to audiologists, speech-language pathologists, assistants and students in education, healthcare, and private practice settings in South Dakota. Promote your services and products directly to the people who need them through our advertising options. Post a Job or Become a Sponsor Here2025 Advertising and Sponsorship Options: Advertising Options: Research Survey Requests: Free of Charge Job Posting Bundle: $150
Post a job advertisement with SDSLHA by submitting the full job description (50 words or less) and a company logo. If more than 50 words are needed for a description, please consider adding a link to a pdf or webpage to provide additional information. Receive:
Renew your existing Job Bundle Ad: $75
Renew your existing Job Bundle. Post a job advertisement with SDSLHA by submitting the full job description (50 words or less) and a company logo. If more than 50 words are needed for a description, please consider adding a link to a pdf or webpage to provide additional information. Receive an additional:
Promotional Bundle: $100
Post a promotion for an event or product by submitting the full promotional description (50 words or less) and a logo if applicable. If more than 50 words are needed for a description, please consider adding a link to a pdf or webpage to provide additional information. This option does not include research survey requests. If you'd like us send a research survey request, please see above for more information.
Sponsorship Opportunities: Annual convention and all year long
Champion Sponsor: $1,000 +
Become a Champion Sponsor for SDSLHA. This level of sponsorship includes an exhibitor booth at our next annual convention in addition to the following:
Sustaining Sponsor: $500 - $999
Become a Sustaining Sponsor for SDSLHA. This level of sponsorship includes an exhibitor booth at our next annual convention in addition to the following:
Associate Sponsor: $300 - $500
Become a Sustaining Sponsor for SDSLHA. This level of sponsorship includes:
Post a Job or Become a Sponsor Here
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